Unibet Austria

Unibet sponsors Austrian National Hockey Team

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After winning the Austria Cup in February 2020, the Austrian men’s senior team had to take a year-long break due to the Covid-19 pandemic as the IIHF World Championship was canceled twice in a row. Since Monday however – the team has been back in practice to prepare for the World Championship Tournament starting May 15th in Slovenia.

Just in time for the return to the ice, Unibet has been announced as their new Premium Partner and will be visible on the National Team’s Hockey Jerseys. Due to the uncertainties surrounding the new gaming amendment in Austria, the cooperation will initially run until Autumn 2021.

Martin Beranek, General Manager Germany / Austria / Switzerland at Unibet : “As a Swedish betting company, the topic of ice hockey is of course a matter close to our hearts and as the second most popular team sport as a betting company it is an attractive environment to further increase our brand awareness in Austria we can support the ÖEHV in the current situation and hope for a long-term partnership in the future, despite the planned gaming amendment. “